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  • What We Do

    We help businesses, families, professionals and entrepreneurs maximize the potential of their money and assets.

    How We Do It

    Through portfolio performance analysis, risk evaluations, asset allocations and the assessment of the impact of costs and taxes.   Then we provide customized globally diversified multi-asset class portfolios.  Customized around your goals and causes and managed specifically for you.


    Specializing in tax mitigation strategies and portfolio diversification we help attenuate the 5 major concerns of every HNW person (wealth preservation/wealth protection/wealth enhancement/wealth transfer and charitable contributions)

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    • Tax mitigation strategies and planning

    • Asset Management

    • Business Succession Planning

    • Wealth Transfer Strategies

    • Cash Solutions

    • Lending Solutions

    • Charitable Giving & Gifting Strategies

    • Corporate Benefits Planning 

    • Estate Planning & Trust Services

    • Education Planning

    • Investment Strategies/Portfolio Design/Risk Allocation

    • Fixed Income Services

    • Insurance & Risk Management

    • Integrated Wealth Management

    • Longevity and Retirement Planning

    A DIFFERENT KIND OF FIRM - a fiduciary business.

    TRANSPARENCY CHANGES EVERYTHING - WHAT IS A FIDUCIARY?                                                                                                                                    

    A fiduciary is a person or organization that acts on behalf of another person or persons, putting their clients' interest ahead of their own, with a duty to preserve good faith and trust. Being a fiduciary thus requires being bound both legally and ethically to act in the other's best interests.

    A fiduciary may be responsible for the general well-being of another (e.g. a child's legal guardian), but often the task involves finances; managing the assets of another person, or a group of people, for example. Money managers, financial advisors, bankers, insurance agents, accountants, executors, board members, and corporate officers all have fiduciary responsibility.

    With Wildes Financial, our focus is on YOU. Going way beyond wealth management to simplify and elevate your lifestyle so you have more TIME (the highest value commodity) to spend on what matters to most to you.

    We provide Custom Concierge Family Office services — personalized and in-house — for investment, planning, tax, legal, private banking, family governance, concierge, and travel. We do this all with genuine Fiduciary Standards -  you receive transparent advice focused on asset protection, cost, and opportunity.

    Your time is valuable. Let us help you obtain more of it to spend on what matters to you

    What are  Fiduciary Standards?

    1. Embrace the Legal Fiduciary Obligation to Place Clients’ Interests First.
    2. Deliver Comprehensive Financial Planning.
    3. Provide Fee-Only Advice.
    4. Do Not Accept Commissions.
    5. Receive Only One Source of Revenue: Client Fees.
    6. Provide Transparency on Portfolios and Investments.
    7. Remain Independent from any Bank, Broker Dealer, Insurance, or Custodian.
    8. Measure Client Performance Returns using Independent Third Parties.
    9. Do Not Create Products to Sell or Price Any Public Securities.
    10. Do Not Hold Any Client Assets, Securities, or Money.